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KBO DIA Gothic Bold

KBO CI symbol's diamond motif and cut features are applied to
Introducing the modern 'KBO Diagothic'.

Typeface composition

KBO Diagothic consists of Bold, Medium, and Light. 3 types of fonts made with the same framework, making use of both visual unity and readability
The intellectual property rights of KBO Diagothic belong to the Korea Baseball Organization.

KBO fonts distributed through the KBO homepage are provided free of charge to all users, including individual and corporate users, and can be redistributed.
(However, modifying the file and selling the font itself are not allowed.)

For exact usage conditions, please refer to the KBO Diagothic License.
Font Licensing Inquiries:

Let's Work Together

GEEGEEPIA provides copyright-free Korean fonts.
It is a copyright-free font, but it is not possible to change or sell the font.
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